Pizza Pizza Pizza: Margherita
More pizza! This time we have made a margherita pizza. This recipe is so simple yet so tasty. Delicious tomatoes accompanied by the perfect seasonings, this is one of our favorite kinds! The instructions are the same as our previous pizza blog post, but the ingredients are different!
What you need:
pre-made pizza dough from the grociery store
pizza sauce
1 tomato or a can of pre-diced tomatoes
mozzarella cheese
What to do:
Preheat your over to 375 degrees F
Coat your pizza pan or any pan that would fit your pizza with a baking grease! Also you can sprinkle cornmeal on top of the pan to help prevent the dough from sticking.
Roll the pizza dough out into a circle and place onto your pan
Coat the dough with an even layer of pizza sauce, add as much as you would prefer
Sprinkle your cheese all over the sauce
Carefully chop up your onions and spread out over the cheese
Spread your spinach over the cheese
Add more cheese if you would like ontop of the vegetables!
Place your pizza in the over for about 15-20 minutes or until dough is not too soft. You can leave in for extra time to have a crunchier crust if you would like, enjoy!