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Yoga Wheel

If you're looking to advance in yoga, you have to try this! We noticed our favorite yogi's using a yoga wheel to help them balance, stretch, assists with handstands, and a lot more and we were lucky enough to be gifted with one of our own! Mindful Yoga is an awesome yoga wheel company based out of Boston, MA. Their wheels are great quality and very durable! To see more from them or purchase one of these pretty wheels, go check them out! You will not be disappointed!

Website: Instagram: mindfulyogashop


This would definitely be our favorite stretch assisted by the wheel. While sitting up on your knee's, gently place the wheel behind your back. While slowly laying back, adjust the wheel according to your comfort, but try to remain on the very lower back. Bend your back to the wheel the best you can. You can either reach your arms out ahead of you or bend them, reaching behind your head and holding onto the wheel. This stretch feels so good for your back and body!


This may be more difficult for some, but we recommend you guys try all of these stretches, whether now or in time! If you are working on your headstands, this will definitely help! When in headstand position, instead of throwing your legs up, have the wheel placed where your tippy toes are touching the ground. Next place your feet onto the wheel. You can now improvise and really use it in any way you'd like; keep legs together, one apart, or roll down into a plank and back up. There is a lot you can do and it all really does help so much.


For this pose, we first begin in camel position. You place the wheel behind your feet and stretch your back further and further, until you can grasp onto the wheel. You can either roll the wheel backwards or forwards; both of these positions do an amazing job of stretching your back!


In order to use the yoga wheel for handstands, it is easiest to place something heavy and firm behind the wheel. This way the wheel will not roll away and cause a lot of pain on your head! Begin by placing your hands shoulder width apart on the mat; try to figure out how far in front of the wheel is most comfortable for you to place your hands and get the perfect balance. Once you have this figured out, place your head firmly on the wheel and throw your legs into the air, one by one! Have a spotter to grab your legs if you get nervous, but otherwise, just go for it and have fun! You'll get the hang of it super fast and will learn to love handstands!

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